What is a Qube smart light bulb - ..

Thursday, 15 March 2018

What is a Qube smart light bulb

The Qube is the most affordable smart light created for your home. it is designed to make your home beautiful, it comes which an application which is at your will at any time of the day and can even be controlled when your not around just with a touch of your smartphone.
 The Qube doesn't just make your home look fancy but also saves you energy automatically, knowing when to switch on and off.
  The idea of smart home has been around for decades and frankly, more people are buying into it as it is getting more popular day by day but the problem is these devices are very expensive which is a challenge for adopting the masses.
   The Qube is a typical multicolored LED bulb which starts at 19$ per bulb which is not far off from a normal LED bulb.

Creating a smart home isn't just about being able to connect your phone to your device, the key is being SMART, in other words, your device must be smart, not necessarily like us humans but it must stand out from others which makes the Qube very much different.

  • The Qube can sense your location within the house to create automation effectively
  • It notifies you through the light when you receive a call or a message 
  • Sets your light to gently wake you up in the morning 
  • Acess to the light from anywhere in the world is allowed 
  • it is designed to last up to 50000 hours which is equivalent to 27 years or so 

Qube works with I watch Apps

There are a lot of smart light bulbs around these days but what makes Qube better personally is that its the cheapest, and is very efficient just like all other smart LED light bulbs.
Let me know what you think in the comments

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